AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for May, 2021

Is a Tankless Water Heater Right for Your Home?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

If we ask you to picture a water heater in your head, what do you envision? We’d guess you’re seeing a big tank that has pipes and lines coming out of it, right? Now, take away the tank.

Perhaps you’re confused by this concept, or maybe the room you pictured in your mind is now flooded, depending on how deep your imagination runs. However, we want to bring this idea up because you do not actually require a tank to get hot water into your home. This is due to the invention of tankless water heaters.

A tankless system is just about what it sounds like. It heats up hot water, but doesn’t require the use of a tank to hold multiple gallons of water at a time. Not only is this a great piece of technology, but there are a number of benefits associated with it. Read on to learn more!

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Noises You Don’t Want Your AC System Making

Monday, May 10th, 2021

In the not-too-far-off future, it’s very likely that we’ll have air conditioner systems that can pretty much diagnose their own problems. Loose fan belt? You get an alert. Motor bearings that need lubrication? Alert, sent to your phone! Just like your car’s dashboard lets you know to check the engine, there will likely be some sort of alert system for AC systems.

That is unfortunately not the reality yet, however, and therefore you have to rely on your keen senses to know when something is amiss. For instance, maybe you feel warmer than you think you should, or you see that your energy bills have spiked without an explanation.

One of the most common signs that something is amiss with an air conditioning system is that it’s making loud or ominous noises. What kind of noises are we talking about? Well to be honest, anything that’s out of the ordinary of what you usually hear coming from the system and its components day-to-day is enough of a concern that you should give us a call. But there are several specific noises that you can keep an ear out for:

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