AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

What’s That Musty Smell Originating From My Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Ah, the sweet relief of a cool blast of air on a hot summer day. But wait, instead of refreshing crispness, your air conditioner hits you with a wave of… musty odor? Not exactly what you had in mind. This unpleasant smell could be a sign of mold growth lurking within your AC unit, and it’s definitely not something to ignore. You might need air conditioning repair in Monclova, OH.

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Heater Replacement: When Your Furnace Is Ready to Retire

Monday, March 11th, 2024

As the backbone of your home’s comfort, your furnace works tirelessly to keep you warm during chilly seasons. However, like all appliances, it has a lifespan, and there comes a time when a furnace replacement in Maumee, OH is inevitable. In this blog post, we’ll explore some telltale signs that your HVAC system is ready to retire, emphasizing the importance of professional replacement to ensure your home stays warm and efficient.

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Is a Ductless Heating System Good For Ohio?

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Ohio is known for its diverse climate, experiencing both sweltering summers and bone-chilling winters. As the seasons change, so do our heating needs. Homeowners across the state find themselves pondering the best heating solutions for their cozy havens. In the quest for warmth and comfort one technology that’s gaining popularity is ductless heating.

With this comes an increase in dustless heating installation in Monclova, OH. But the pressing question remains: is a ductless heating system truly a good fit for Ohio’s unique climate and heating requirements? Let’s uncover the secrets of ductless heating systems and whether they can stand up to the rigors of Ohio’s winters. 

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How Your Business Can Benefit from a Rooftop HVAC Unit

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Many businesses use rooftop AC units as opposed to standard central air conditioning. While these units were originally designed with a specific use case in mind, they’ve become commonplace for entirely different reasons. If you’re curious about the benefits of rooftop HVAC units, this is what you need to know.

Rows of rooftop HVAC units with a sunny background on a rooftop.

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Tips for Boosting AC Efficiency

Monday, March 28th, 2022

Although many people believe that all air conditioner-related maintenance is best left up to professionals, that is not always the case. In fact, some of those tasks are very DIY-friendly. For instance, there are several ways to boost your AC efficiency that virtually anyone can quickly execute.

These tasks are vital, as they allow you to optimize the efficiency of your air conditioner in between the routine visits you schedule with a professional company. With that in mind, here are some tips that will allow you to do just that. 

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How to Choose a Great HVAC Contractor

Monday, February 28th, 2022

When it comes to hiring contractors, performing your due diligence is essential. Indeed, although there is always an array of qualified contractors to choose from, there are also those who are dishonest, unethical, over-priced, etc. Therefore, if you are in the market for an HVAC contractor, you should do your research before signing the contract. Failing to do so could cost you time, energy, money, and more. With that in mind, the following is an overview of how to choose a great HVAC contractor. 

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Are You in Need of Boiler Repair?

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

A boiler system can only work as efficiently and effectively as it is meant to if it is properly cared for. This means it needs to be professionally installed and serviced by trained and experienced HVAC technicians.

One of these services is maintenance—yearly maintenance will help keep your boiler performing at its best and save you money in repair costs, among other benefits. Of course, even the most well-cared-for boiler may still have repair needs and eventually will succumb to age. What’s important for you to know is how to spot signs of a boiler in distress. We’ve covered the most important signs below.

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Welcome to Our New Website

Monday, May 6th, 2019

iMarket Solutions has launched AW Heating & Cooling new custom website. To learn more about how iMarket Solutions can expand your presence on the web visit:

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