AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for December, 2019

“Is My Heater Drying Out My Air?”

Monday, December 23rd, 2019

This is a pretty frequent question we get as we get closer to winter, since homeowners often do notice dry air around this time of the year.

During winter, the moisture level in the air drops as more and more water vapor gets pulled out of the air outside. Dry conditions are often considered helpful in the summer, as it makes it easier for us to cool off from our air conditioners. However, dry air during the rest of the year threatens not only our comfort but also our health.

Furnaces and forced-air heat pumps are often blamed for causing the air to be dried out even more, but is this really the case?

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Heater Sounds You Shouldn’t Ignore

Monday, December 9th, 2019

When it comes to the holiday season, there are some common things you’ll hear—perhaps carolers traveling through your neighborhood, holiday music on your radio, toy and gift ads on the TV. What you shouldn’t be hearing, however, are strange and unfamiliar noises coming from your heating system.

Now, no heating system is silent. You’re going to hear it cycle on and off. If you have a ducted system, you’ll hear the ducts making a bit of noise as they expand and contract with the temperature fluctuations going through them. You’ll also, of course, hear the whoosh of air as the heat blows through your vents.

But you shouldn’t expect to hear much else beyond this. If you notice sounds you’ve never heard before or loud noises that just don’t seem normal, it’s likely time to give us a call. We’ve provided expert heating services since 1997, so we’re familiar with all types of issues. Keep reading as we delve into what types of sounds we’re referring to.

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