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Beware These Signs of Boiler Troubles


You can only rely on your boiler to be as efficient as possible if you properly care for it, right? This starts with professional installation, continues on with calling for repairs when needed, and then also includes making sure you stay on top of your annual boiler maintenance services from our professionals.

Of course, it’s also important that you remember no matter how well you care for your boiler, you’ll eventually need repairs of some kind. Also, you have to know that eventually, the boiler will reach the end of its lifespan and you’ll need a replacement system.

But how do you know when it’s time for the latter? Are there signs to watch out for? Yes, there are! Read on to learn about them.

Your Boiler Is Old

The standard boiler, when properly maintained, can last about 15 years. Even if yours has not quite reached this age, it’s worth looking into upgrading your boiler if you’re experiencing any problems with a system that’s 10 years old or older. In fact, even in the last five years, these heating systems have become much more efficient.

If your boiler is in fact 15 years old, it’s more than likely going to start breaking down, if it hasn’t started already.

You Detect Foul Odors

Unfamiliar or unpleasant smells should never be ignored when they’re coming from your heating system, no matter what type of heating system you have, but especially from your boiler. It could be the sign of a gas leak, which needs to be addressed ASAP.

If it’s not a gas leak, it could still indicate a problem with the ventilation system, which is a problem in its own right.

You See or Suspect a Leak

Leaks from any part of your plumbing system or home shouldn’t be ignored under any circumstance, and your boiler is no exception. Leaks create significant property damage if given enough time to progress, plus a boiler leak indicates something might have gone wrong inside the system. Lastly, leaks mean your boiler can’t possibly operate as efficiently as possible.

Temperature Issues

If your water is usually colder or hotter than what the temperature is meant to be, then you may have a problem with your boiler! What’s likely happening is that the water isn’t circulating like it should be, and this means your boiler can’t consistently heat your home.

Higher Than Average Utility Bills

Your energy bills are going to rise no matter what in the winter. But if they are considerably higher than what they were last year, or much higher than what your neighbors are paying for similar use, then you likely have a boiler that isn’t performing as efficiently as it once did.

Frequent Repair Needs

Do you find yourself calling for boiler repairs a few times a year? It’s normal for a boiler to need a repair here or there. But if you’re calling for repairs this often, it’s going to quickly become too expensive to maintain your boiler. Generally speaking, if your next repair need or set of repairs will cost over half of what the system is worth, it simply makes more financial sense in the long run to upgrade now.

For expert Toledo boiler services, contact AW Heating & Cooling, “Your Comfort Specialists”!

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