AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Maumee’

Is a Tankless Water Heater Right for Your Home?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

If we ask you to picture a water heater in your head, what do you envision? We’d guess you’re seeing a big tank that has pipes and lines coming out of it, right? Now, take away the tank.

Perhaps you’re confused by this concept, or maybe the room you pictured in your mind is now flooded, depending on how deep your imagination runs. However, we want to bring this idea up because you do not actually require a tank to get hot water into your home. This is due to the invention of tankless water heaters.

A tankless system is just about what it sounds like. It heats up hot water, but doesn’t require the use of a tank to hold multiple gallons of water at a time. Not only is this a great piece of technology, but there are a number of benefits associated with it. Read on to learn more!

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The Danger of a Cracked Furnace Heat Exchanger

Monday, February 1st, 2021

It likely goes without saying for residents here in Maumee or one of the surrounding communities that it gets pretty dang cold in the winter! As such, you use your heater on a regular basis, counting on it to keep you comfortable as well as safe.

Did you have it professionally tuned-up before the winter season started? The good news is, that even if you answered “no” to this question the only time it’s too late is if your heater completely broke down and is beyond repair. Skipping maintenance even one year can leave you with surprise repair needs that will cost a lot and could even be dangerous.

One repair need to be especially aware of, if you have a gas-powered heater, is replacing a damaged heat exchanger (or replacing the whole system if the problem is severe enough). Look, gas-powered heaters on not inherently dangerous. But yours can absolutely become so if you neglect this vital component. Keep reading to learn more!

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How’s Your Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, September 14th, 2020

If this is a question you don’t know the answer to, then now is definitely time to consider it. The thing is, homes without the right air quality systems and services in place have worse air quality than the outdoors. This is because contaminants like allergens and other potentially harmful particles get trapped inside the home with no escape.

Sure, your HVAC systems have an air filter, but this air filter is designed to protect the HVAC system from this debris, not your indoor air or your family. For true indoor air quality protection and improvement, you’ll want to look into products like air cleaners and purifiers. Read on to learn more!

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Are Rooftop AC Units Right for Your Business?

Monday, July 20th, 2020

The most popular type of HVAC solution for businesses and commercial spaces today is the rooftop unit. You’re very likely already familiar with these, even if you aren’t utilizing them for your business yet–you’ll see them on top of most industrial spaces.

Rooftop units are common for a reason! Many reasons actually. If you’re in the decision-making process regarding whether it’s right for your business or not, take a look at the following benefits of such a setup.

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How to Mitigate Loss from a Plumbing Emergency

Monday, June 8th, 2020

The last thing any homeowner wants to deal with is a plumbing problem—they’re often messy, they’re inconvenient, and they can lead to significant property damage. Of course, it’s not possible to prevent all emergencies, so if you have an emergency of the plumbing variety, it’s important to have a professional plumber you can call right away. You have that with our team!

Many homeowners don’t actually know what “qualifies” as a plumbing emergency, and think they’re left to solve the problem on their own. This is rarely the case, we’re always here for your plumbing emergency. But there are things you can do to mitigate significant damage or inconvenience until we can get to your home. Read on to learn more!

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Why Professional AC Installation Is So Important

Monday, May 11th, 2020

First, let’s start by saying we totally understand the temptation to install your own air conditioner. It will save you money, after all, right?

Well, unless it’s a window AC unit or a portable air conditioner, we really do have to advise against this.

The thing is, there are intricate steps to successfully installing an air conditioning system, and if any of the steps are missed or done to quickly, it can lead to problems like a refrigerant leak, inefficient operation, and even a premature system breakdown. Overall, air conditioners are very complex and require a trained and experienced professional to handle.

Of course, if you’re shopping for an air conditioner now, when temperatures are already rising, we understand the sense of urgency. Rushing into a large purchase like this can leave you sacrificing comfort and efficiency. Keep reading as we outline a few of the main reasons you should only trust a trained professional for this job.

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Does Ductwork Cleanliness Matter?

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

The short answer to this question is, “yes!” Of course, we’ll go into more detail. Read on!

You probably don’t think about your ductwork too terribly often, right? We don’t blame you—your air ducts are pretty much hidden from plain view, traveling through the areas between your walls and attic, so of course, it’s only natural that you’d forget about them.

Here’s the thing, though—it would do you well to think about your ductwork every once in a while. Why’s that? Because problems with your ducts, even dirty ducts, will directly affect your comfort, your health, and even the effectiveness of your air conditioner and furnace systems.

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How to Delay AC Repair Needs

Monday, April 13th, 2020

Wouldn’t it be great if you could buy an air conditioner, and never need to repair it? We wish this were the case for your sake, but the fact of the matter is that AC systems suffer from natural wear and tear just like any other appliance.

Of course, if you care for your system properly, you can certainly help avoid emergency repairs, and potentially even delay other repair needs. How so? By scheduling professional maintenance and by treating your air conditioner right. More on that below.

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“Scaling Doesn’t Affect My Tankless Water Heater, Right?”

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Tank water heaters are typically what most homeowners are familiar with when they think of water heaters. They’re large, noticeable, and sometimes even a bit noisy. Because of their prevalence, most people understand and suspect that they need service from time to time—particularly maintenance.

Scaling, after all—which is the buildup of hard water minerals that settles to the bottom of the water heater tank, can have significant consequences for a water heater. Scaling causes issues with water pressure, temperature, and even corrosion. The way to solve this is with flushing, as part of your maintenance session.

But tankless systems don’t have to deal with this, right? Well… actually… yes, yes they do. Read on to learn more!

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Why You Shouldn’t Rush a Furnace Installation

Monday, January 20th, 2020

This is no time of the year to be stuck without a fully effective heating system—but if you’ve come across this blog post, it probably means you’re in need of one, now. We get it—you want to just go out and get the first one you can find and put it in, but you shouldn’t purchase just any system nor should you rush a furnace installation. Why?

Well, there are a number of reasons. There is a great deal of work that goes into furnace installation, and a job done right not only keeps you comfortable and impacts the effectiveness of your heater, but it also protects your safety. Keep reading as we go over the steps our techs go through during your furnace installation. Then, you’ll understand why you need a trained and experienced professional for the job.

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