AW Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

Monday, July 5th, 2021

Summer is well underway, and the temperatures can reach scorching levels here in Swanton, OH. You will find yourself relying on your air conditioner to keep your home cool and bearable as things begin to heat up. Making sure that your air conditioner is in optimal working condition is crucial so that you can make it through the hottest months of the year without any interruption to the comfort of your home.

Of course, as your air conditioner starts working overtime, it is bound to develop some problems. You can reduce the chances of these problems by scheduling routine maintenance services and keeping the overall repair costs low.

But even regular maintenance and tune-ups don’t solve all your air conditioner’s problems. Regardless of maintenance, you should know when your air conditioner is struggling and needs repairs. The sooner you can find out that your AC needs repairs and call us for AC repair in Swanton, OH, the sooner we can get your air conditioner back up and running.

We will tell you about some of the signs that your air conditioner needs repairs so that you know when to call us.

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Can You Run an Air Conditioner with a Bad Capacitor?

Monday, June 21st, 2021

When people start turning on their air conditioners for the first time, we get plenty of calls from customers telling us that their air conditioner is not working. Most of the calls we get are for a common repair: a failed capacitor, though customers aren’t often aware that this is the problem. So then the question becomes, can you use your air conditioner despite a bad capacitor?

The simple answer is “No.”

There are two types of capacitors–the start capacitor that signals the AC motors to start up, and the run capacitor that keeps those motors running through each cooling cycle.

If your HVAC system is giving you trouble, it is definitely time for you to call in our professionals for air conditioning repair in Toledo, OH. We’ll determine if a capacitor is to blame, and make the necessary repairs. In the meantime, read on to learn more about this component and its importance to the functionality of your air conditioner!

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Noises You Don’t Want Your AC System Making

Monday, May 10th, 2021

In the not-too-far-off future, it’s very likely that we’ll have air conditioner systems that can pretty much diagnose their own problems. Loose fan belt? You get an alert. Motor bearings that need lubrication? Alert, sent to your phone! Just like your car’s dashboard lets you know to check the engine, there will likely be some sort of alert system for AC systems.

That is unfortunately not the reality yet, however, and therefore you have to rely on your keen senses to know when something is amiss. For instance, maybe you feel warmer than you think you should, or you see that your energy bills have spiked without an explanation.

One of the most common signs that something is amiss with an air conditioning system is that it’s making loud or ominous noises. What kind of noises are we talking about? Well to be honest, anything that’s out of the ordinary of what you usually hear coming from the system and its components day-to-day is enough of a concern that you should give us a call. But there are several specific noises that you can keep an ear out for:

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One Key Way to Get Your Home Ready for Summer

Monday, April 26th, 2021

With temperatures warming up here soon, you might have come to the realization that it’s time to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner. Or perhaps you think since your air conditioner is working “just fine” this year, you can skip maintenance for once. We really want to encourage you to go ahead and schedule that appointment, though.

It’s never too late to get your AC tuned-up, and it’s never a bad idea to do so. There are many benefits to routine, professional maintenance.

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Heed These Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Help

Monday, April 12th, 2021

With spring officially here and summer not very far behind, you may be thinking about how you hope your air conditioner will make it through the warmer temperatures without any trouble. After all, who wants an interruption to their home comfort on the hottest of our summer days? There’s no way you can completely guarantee your system won’t struggle this season, though you can certainly reduce the risk by scheduling professional AC maintenance. This allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it, all of which can prevent up to 85% of the repair needs a system might ever need in its lifespan.

But that doesn’t eliminate all repair needs. Regardless of maintenance, you should ensure that you know the signs of a struggling air conditioner. The sooner you can spot indicators and give our team a call, the quicker we can help your air conditioner get back to business. Read on as we uncover some of these common indicators!

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What Are the Steps of AC Maintenance?

Monday, March 29th, 2021

In our previous blog post, we talked about the importance of AC maintenance, and how it’s never too early for such a service. But even if you’ve heard why it’s important, you might not really believe it until you know exactly what happens during this service.

The fact of the matter is, with a climate like ours, maintenance isn’t just an optional service. It’s absolutely necessary to the efficiency and efficacy of your air conditioner. Without maintenance, you can find yourself paying for unexpected repair needs, plus your system may even have a shower lifespan.

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Is It Too Early for AC Maintenance?

Monday, March 15th, 2021

If you’ve ever asked an HVAC professional when the best time to schedule air conditioner maintenance is, they probably told you “in the early spring, before you need your air conditioner the most.” This is a good recommendation! Of course, you still might be wondering if you really need maintenance. After all, why pay for an air conditioner service when your air conditioner is operating “just fine”?

Well, because sometimes “just fine” isn’t good enough! What if your cooling system isn’t operating as efficiently as it could? This means you’re paying too much to use it, and also that it’s probably accumulating wear and tear a lot faster than it should otherwise. Maintenance is a preventative measure, not a repair. With maintenance, you can reduce repairs, increase your system’s lifespan, and improve your household’s home comfort. Read on to learn more!

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Signs You Need Late-Season AC Repairs

Monday, September 28th, 2020

It may officially be fall, and it may almost be time to shut down our air conditioners for the season, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore cooling system problems if you have them. In fact, doing so could leave you with a completely broken down system next spring when you need it the most.

Basically, the longer you wait to service your cooling system, the more you increase your chances of experiencing HVAC problems. This is especially true if your air conditioner shares ductwork with your furnace, or if you have a heat pump that you’ll be using for heating in addition to cooling.

So what can you do? Watch for signs of AC trouble and ensure you call our team if you notice any of the following issues!

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3 Systems to Know About When Choosing Your Next AC

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Living in Toledo means knowing how hot it can get in the summer. When you hear people from the coastal cities complain about heat and humidity, you know they’ve got nothing on you. This is exactly why it is a huge problem when your air conditioner gives out at the worst possible time. Thankfully, with our 24/7 services, we’ve got you covered.

If you have found that your air conditioner just won’t work anymore or seems to be ready to give up at any moment, you should reach out for an AC replacement. To do that though, you will need to know which system you want to install next.

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3 Reasons to Upgrade Your AC Before Summer Ends

Monday, August 17th, 2020

How old is your air conditioner? How efficiently has it worked so far this summer? These are just a couple of the questions you should ask yourself before summer ends. Now is the time of year that older air conditioners are most likely to break down, since they’ve gone through so much work over the past several months.

Of course, if you keep up with your annual AC maintenance appointments, this is less likely to happen. But regardless of whether you had that tune-up or not, no air conditioner can last forever. And even if your aging AC system makes it to the end of summer, can you be confident it’ll be ready to work effectively and efficiently next summer? It’s best to consider replacement now, especially if the following 3 facts are true for your cooling system.

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